Ancient Christian Wisdom
for Everyday Life

Wisdom for those with the wild ambition of getting as close to Jesus as they can on earth and living the kind of life that God desires every single day

Welcome to the Daily Monastic. I’m Barnabas the Monastic.

I have a wild ambition in life: get as close to the Lord Jesus Christ as I can while on earth. I attempt to do that by learning to become a modern monastic. I explore and integrate ancient Christian monk wisdom in my modern everyday life. I write about it here. Feel free to write to me about your own journey. I currently reside in the “Great White North.”

Prayer, Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Prayer, Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Respect and Reverence

Do we give God the proper respect and reverence that is due to Him every day? Throughout the day, it's quite easy to neglect God's presence in our lives. It's quite easy to forget who it is we speak to when we go into prayer. It's quite easy to...

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Consistency versus Intensity

When acquiring any habit in life, being consistent at the beginning is much more important than being intense. If you think about it, anybody can be intense for a day. Anybody can have one intense workout. Or one intense writing session. Or one intense workday. Or one intense...

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Prayer, Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Prayer, Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Eliminating TV

We don't own a TV. In fact, I haven't watched television in 8 years—maybe longer. One afternoon, we had friends over for lunch and their 5-year-old son was running around our home screaming in his tiny voice, "Where's the TV?!" He was baffled at the fact that we don't own one.

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Good Enough for Today

Over the years, I've had to overcome having a tendency towards perfection. I probably acquired this tendency from my schooling days—personally having an internal drive to ace every exam or paper. Of course, I didn't ace every test. But I certainly tried my darndest to. Surprisingly, it…

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Adding Margins in My Schedule

I used to like seeing that I had a packed schedule every day on my calendar. Back-to-back meetings. Events. Phone calls. I liked always being "on the go." It made me feel important and productive. But it also stressed me out. I would have so many things going on that…

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Give Yourself Some Grace

I woke up unusually late today at around 7:30 AM. Normally, I wake up around 5 AM so that I can get a head start on my day with exercise, prayer, and reading. It feels great to kick off the day early. But today, I slept right in.

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Begin Again

We're going to make mistakes in life. In fact, we're going to make a lot of them. Nobody is going to go through life perfectly (the only person who ever lived a perfect life was Jesus). We should accept this fact early on so that we're not misled into thinking that our growth as humans and as followers of Christ is going to be perfect and without faults.

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Consider the Day Ahead

Every morning, after my exercise routine, I take some time to think and journal. The first thing I usually think about is the day that's ahead of me. I can have some very busy days. It's a worthwhile exercise to consider what the day will look like, take stalk of it, and prepare for what's to come. I try to imagine the…

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Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic Wisdom, Tips Barnabas the Monastic

Exercising First Thing in the Morning

For several months now, I've been starting my day with exercise (a mix of cardio-vascular workouts and strength training). Regular exercise is a way for me to take care of my body so that I can serve God with it well. Exercise is the first thing I do when I wake up. In the past, I tried…

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